When it comes to backup service, you must ensure what you have backup can actually restore. VDC Backup can have many restore option. One of them is restore to entire VM. What is this means? If your VM fails or broken or accidentally deleted, you can restore from backup file to new VM. You don't have to deploy new VM or install apps, once restore complete, your VM has become new VM with existing data and configuration.
Before proceed to restore backup, you must ensure:
- Backup file is available
- Login to Cloud Director
1. Guide to More on top menu bar. Select VDC Backup
2. Select VMs on menu.
3. On the VMs tab, select the necessary VM backup in the list of VMs. To quickly find the necessary VM, use the search field at the top of the window.
4. Click Restore VM and select the option you need:
- Select Overwrite to restore the VM from the backup to the original vApp, replacing the production VM.
In this case, the restored VM hard disks are assigned the storage policies of the original VM hard disks.
- Select Keep to keep both VMs in the original vApp. The VM from the backup will be located next to the original production VM and will have the same name with the _restored suffix.
In this case, the restored VM hard disks are assigned the storage policy of the VM.
5. Click Finish
- To start a machine immediately after recovery, select the Power on machine after restoring check box.
- To recover only those data blocks that are necessary to revert the machine to the selected restore point. To do this, select the Quick rollback check box. Quick rollback significantly reduces the recovery time and has little impact on the production environment.
6. Click Yes in the message window to confirm the operation.
7. To view the VM restore progress, on the Machines tab, click History.