VM can have more than 1 NICs. For example, you have 2 Organization VDC Network. 192.168.0/24 and If you want VM to have both subnet, then you can have 2 NICs, connected to those 2 Organization VDC Network.
This article will explain you how to add more NICs into VM.
Before proceed to using this guide, you must ensure:
- You have create another Organization VDC Network
1. In the first step, click NICs.
2. Next, click edit.
3. Select NEW to create a new Network.
4. Check Primary NIC then select Network.
5. Choose IP Mode as per your requirement, click save.
6. Next to add Network select ADD VAPP NETWORK.
7. Select type Direct.
8. Then select the appropriate network that has been created.
9. Next, click ADD.
10. To remove the NIC select Network then click Delete and save.