This article will explain about powering on and off Virtual Machine. There are many performing power operation on VM.
Power On a virtual machine is the equivalent of powering on a physical machine.
Power Off a virtual machine is the equivalent of powering off a physical machine. When you initiate the power-off functionality, the virtual machine does not attempt to shut down the guest operating system gracefully. Power off is similar to shutdown as it writes nothing to disk and stops the Guest OS completely. By default, it powers off the virtual machine abruptly. The effect is the same as using the power button on a physical machine.
Shut Down Guest OS for VM action shuts down the guest operating system and powers off the virtual machine.
Suspending a virtual machine preserves its current state by writing the memory to disk. The suspend and resume feature is useful when you want to save the current state of your virtual machine and continue work later from the same state.
Reset a virtual machine clears state (memory, cache, and so on), but the virtual machine continues to run. Resetting a virtual machine is the equivalent of pushing the reset button of a physical machine. It initiates a hard reset of the operating system without changing the power state of the virtual machine.
Before proceed to using this guide, you must ensure:
- VM you want to perform power operation
1. Login to vCloud Director. Go to Datacenter.
2. The first step, select the Virtual Machine > Actions > Power > Power On
3. The first step, select the Virtual Machine > Actions > Power > Power Off.